A Step-by-Step Guide to Grooming Your Dog at Home

Dog grooming is an essential part of keeping your furry pal healthy and happy. Regular grooming helps to keep their coat clean, reduce shedding, and prevent skin problems.

Plus, the bonding experience can be enjoyable for both parties! While there are plenty of do-it-yourself dog grooming options available, it’s important to know how to groom your pooch properly at home.

With so many products and techniques, it can seem like you’re way over your head. But don’t worry – with a few simple steps, you can learn how to groom your dog at home like a pro! 

Whether you have a small pup or a large one, these tips will make sure that you’ll be able to give them the love and care they need.

How to Groom Your Dog at Home Like a Pro

Following is a step-by-step guide to help you groom your furry pal at home in no time.

Step 1: Get the Right Tools for the Job

First and foremost, you’ll need the right grooming tools for the job. Some of the commonly used tools include clippers, scissors, combs, brushes, nail grinders, grooming table, and more. 

If you have a longer-haired breed like a golden retriever or a poodle, you may also want to invest in some de-shedding tools as well. You can find all of these items either online or in pet stores.

Next, you’ll need dog shampoo that is specifically formulated for dogs—human products are not recommended as they can cause skin irritation.

Groomers have all kinds of fancy tools and equipment, but for basic grooming tasks like brushing, clipping nails, and cleaning ears, all you really need are some simple supplies from your local pet store. Here’s what we recommend having on hand:

  • A slicker brush (for removing mats and tangles)
  • A bristle brush (for distributing natural oils throughout your dog’s coat)
  • A comb (for finishing the job after brushing)
  • Dog shampoo and conditioner (in case you need them)
  • Dog nail clippers
  • Ear cleaning solution formulated specifically for dogs
  • Dog eye wash and tear-stain removal eye wipes 
  • And last but not least, lots of treats and praise! 

These items are fairly inexpensive and will come in handy any time your pup needs a little sprucing up. Now let’s take a look at how to use them! 

Step 2: Brush Their Coat Regularly

Regular brushing is an important part of keeping your pup looking its best.

To ensure your pup looks its best after grooming, it’s important to start off with a good brushing session.

Brush your dog coat regularly

Brushing removes dirt and debris from their coat and helps distribute natural oils throughout their fur for added shine and luster.

Make sure to brush against the natural grain of your pet’s fur so that all tangles come out easily without causing pain or discomfort to your pup.

It also helps prevent mats and tangles from forming which makes the grooming process much easier down the line.

Be sure to brush in the direction of your dog’s hair growth for the best results and not to press too hard as this could cause irritation to their skin.

Step 3: Trim Their Fur as Needed

Depending on your pup’s breed, they may need periodic trims or haircuts to keep their fur looking neat and tidy.

If this is something that needs to be done regularly (like with poodles), make sure that you invest in high-quality clippers that are specifically designed for dogs so that they don’t cause any discomfort or damage while being used.

Trim Dog Fur As Needed

For breeds with shorter coats (like boxers), simply trim around their eyes and ears whenever needed using sharp scissors or specialized grooming shears.

Step 4: Bathe Your Pup with Dog Shampoo & Conditioner

One of the most important steps when it comes to dog grooming is bathing them with the right shampoo and conditioner. There are several types of dog shampoo on the market, ranging from puppy shampoo, oatmeal shampoo, dry waterless shampoo, CBD shampoo, medicated shampoo, anti-itch shampoo, flea shampoo, etc. Choose one that fits your dog’s skin condition.

Human shampoos are too harsh for canine coats and can lead to skin irritation or other issues down the line. Be sure to use lukewarm water during bath time—dogs don’t like cold baths any more than humans do!

  • Start by dampening their fur with warm water and then lather up some shampoo onto their body using gentle circular motions.
  • Make sure that you do not get any soap into their eyes or ears!
  • Once you are done shampooing them, apply conditioner before rinsing one final time until all traces of soap have been removed from their fur. 
  • Finally, dry off with some towels until there isn’t any moisture left on their body.

Step 5: Dry & Brush Fur Thoroughly

Once you’ve finished bathing your pup, use a clean towel or use a dog dryer set on low heat (never high!) to dry their fur completely before brushing again once more while they’re still damp (this will help prevent matting).

Step 6: Nail Trimming

Now it’s time for nail trimming. Using dog nail clippers specifically designed for this purpose is key here.

Human nail clippers may get the job done but they can cause unnecessary pain and discomfort for your pup during the process.

Start by trimming one paw at a time until all nails have been taken care of—you should hear a faint clicking noise when cutting each nail correctly.

If necessary, apply styptic powder afterward if nails were cut too short or close to a vein or nerve ending; this will help reduce bleeding quickly and safely from minor injuries associated with trimming nails too short.

Step 7: Cleaning The Ears

Next up is ear cleaning. Using an ear cleaner solution formulated specifically for dogs, gently massage each ear from base to tip several times.

Be careful not to go too deep into their ears, as this can damage their hearing. After massaging, use cotton balls soaked in a cleaner solution to wipe away wax buildup in each ear canal.

Check out the video below to have more comprehensive details on how to clean your dog’s ears.

Step 8: Cleaning Teeth

Grooming your dog at home isn’t complete without cleaning their teeth! Cleaning your pup’s teeth can take some getting used to, but with patience and the right tools you’ll be able to keep their oral health in tip-top shape.

Stock up on a rubber toothbrush or toothbrush specially designed for dogs, some non-toxic pet-approved toothpaste, and treats for rewards. Remember that this process should never cause pain—it needs to be pleasant and stress-free. 

First, get hold of a good toothbrush for dogs; a brush designed for humans may not have the correct size or texture for your pet’s mouth.

After that, choose a seal-approved enzymatic dog toothpaste from the store – nothing too strong or acidic.

Finally, it will take practice to get your pup to accept having its teeth brushed; start off slow and use lots of positive reinforcement, like treats, during the process.

Doing this regularly can save you money down the line when it comes to dental checkups and treatments!

Step 9: Cleaning Eyes

Taking care of your pup’s peepers goes beyond understanding a simple Roger, over. To give your pup the perfect home grooming, cleaning their eyes and tear stains should be part of your regular routine. 

As a first step, you’ll need a mild eye cleanser made for dogs (homemade solutions from cupboards are possible too!) or just warm water.

Have your chosen cleanser ready when you bring out that bright cloth and warm washcloth, along with cotton balls or pads—you’re now ready to get scrubbing.

  • Start by soaking one cotton ball in lukewarm water or dog eye wash cleanser, then use it to wipe away any dirt or grime from around the eye.
  • Be very gentle and careful not to irritate.
  • Then, using a cotton ball dab the solution onto each tear stain and let it stay for about five minutes before wiping it off.
  • A quick run around with a damp cloth should help you see great results.
  • With another cotton ball, gently remove the dreaded tear stains by using a light sweeping motion.
  • Redistribute tears throughout the eyes using a damp washcloth, also dabbing off any excess moisture.
  • Then give them one last once-over with a fresh cotton ball with just plain water to make sure everything is clean and refreshed.

With regular use of your gentle solution and an occasional wipe down, your pup will have that perfect polished look and will thank you for the extra effort!

Finally, after grooming is complete – don’t forget the treats! Rewarding your pup for being such a good sport will go a long way in helping them get used to the process of being groomed at home!


Grooming at home doesn’t have to be hard! With these step-by-step instructions on how to groom your dog at home like a pro.

Even novice pet owners can learn how easy it is to keep on top of maintaining their pup’s hygiene without taking them to the vet every time they need some grooming done!

Plus – when you do it yourself – not only are you saving money – but also making sure that your furry friend gets exactly what he needs according to his breed type and individual needs – no matter what size he may be!

So get ready for some bonding time with your pooch and happy grooming!

Caroline Stowe is the founder of DogPetGuide.com, a public service website designed to help dog parents make informed decisions when purchasing dog products. She is a dog enthusiast, a dedicated dog mom to her fur-kid. She loves to spend time researching and reviewing the best products and share her knowledge freely with all dog lovers who desire to give the best to their dogs and puppies.

Disclaimer: This article doesn’t intend to replace professional veterinary advice, nor should it be used as a substitute for veterinary services, diagnosis, or treatment. The content on this website, including information and opinions expressed herein, are intended for general informational purposes only. In case you have concerns or questions regarding your dog’s health and diet requirements, please consult your veterinarian before doing anything that might affect it.

DogPetGuide.com and the writer are not responsible or liable for any damage, liability, costs, or claims arising from any possible consequences of the reader’s action after reading this article.

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